Doing God’s Word

A couple of years ago pastor Eric Taylor at Journey Church here in Auburn, delivered a sermon that was thought-provoking and inspired these words of encouragement. 

He spoke on James 1:19-27.  Listen to verse 19:

“My dear brothers (sisters) take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

 As I listened to Eric’s sermon, I was reminded that the Bible rarely records God’s righteous anger toward repentant sinners (Matthew9:35-38).  Instead, God is visibly angry with men who call themselves righteous, such as the Pharisees (Matthew 7:1-5).  For example, when the woman who was caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) was brought to Him, what did he do?  He showed love and kindness to her and did not openly accuse her or shame and embarrass her.  The same was true with the Samaritan woman who had had five husbands and was living with a sixth man who she wasn’t married to (John 4:7-26).  Jesus offered her Living Water instead of a curt rebuke.  It’s so easy for us as believers to be angry with a person who wants to have an abortion or who is sexually active and has had many partners.  We even feel justified in our anger because the Bible says this is wrong.  But again look at the last part of verse 19 “man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”  So what brings about a righteous life?  The answer is given in vs. 19 — being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.   I commend the men and women who volunteer at Women’s Hope for the unconditional love and compassion you give as you meet and share with the women and men who come through our doors.   Although our days can be long and it can be easy to let anger in, please continue to allow God’s grace and mercy to pour through you.

About encouragingservants

I worked at Women's Hope Medical Clinic, which is the pregnancy resource center, in Auburn, AL, as the Client Services Director from May 2009 until September 2013. I recruited, trained and encouraged volunteers who served at Women's Hope. From the beginning, I had sent out a monthly newsletter that offered words of encouragement to those who serve. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and are either encouraged in where you are serving or that you are encouraged to find a place to serve. I am also married to Dr. Michael J. Bozack, professor of Physics at Auburn University and author of "Street-Smart Advice for the Christian College Student." I have one son, Jordan Reyes, who is a college student.
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1 Response to Doing God’s Word

  1. Awesome post. If only we spent more time sharing love….

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